
Autograph and article in Sandefjords Blad.



Yesterday I went to te city to get my hair done, I am so lucky that one of my bestfriends is a hairdresser so she made my hair look stunning! Im aso happy with the results. The local news paper stopped by to meet for an interview after in Larvk.

We went to have a smootie and coffee at the local cafe. While talking about Miss Norway and taking somee photos, a lady came over and asked for an autograph she could give to her nieses. I was so flattered, suprised and happy. It was so nice to get this feedback from completely strangers, and I could easily get use to it!

I love to interacte with people who support me in Miss Norway.

Here is a link to the article in Sandefjordblad:


Fingers crossed for tomorrow!



1993 Hits

International Crew and article in Østlandsposten!


Hello Guys!

Wow, tomorrow it is the big day, I kinda feel  I have prepared for a wedding, and I do love it.

I have spent the last hours just resting and sleep a little bit to feel my best for tomorrow.

However it has been som very hecic but good last days.

As you know, Ilham came from New York last week and has been such a good friend and supprt the lastt week, and helping me with ficing everything, and calming me down when I am freaking out. Thank God she came!

Wednesday night my business partner and best friend Allegra flew in from Paris, and she came with my coutore dress. Can you imagine, flying in with a dress to me just for Miss Norway, that is real friendship, and I do know I will look great in it! 

Yesterday I picked up Tina from the Airport, so she flew in too. Now my whole internatioal crew is gatahered and I couldnt be more happy!

I did an interview with Østlandsposten on Friday and you can read abou it there:





1839 Hits

Hear.Speak.Free - Ukraine


In April I joined the organization that will raise a voice to stop human trafficing and I held a speech about this subject at NYU and shared my experince on starting the rescue center in Kenya and on how to be a young, independent women, with a Voice. Because being Norwegian and privilged we do have that. This is something many people do not have. (Read my previous blogs about this topic).



However, late May we did a photo shot to create some new social media content, which is the main channel we use to promote cases in Human Trafficking. Young people today are using social medial all day everyday and this is the way we want to reach out to them and interact with them. We believe that we can influence and make and impact for more people through this channel.


I am also invited by Hanna Kit, the leader of the organization to come with for a field trip to Ukraine. Which I have to do. I must go down and see it with my own eyes how this work.

Here is the result of the pictures we will use in the online campaigns!


Love, R

1812 Hits

24 Hours To Go!


Attention All!

There is only 24 hours left of the voting, to be the peoples favorite in Miss Norway 2018.

I have been having the lead most of the time the past 4 months, and it would have been so cool and fun to make it to the very last end.

But I do need our help, you have been amazing and voting for me the past months and i am ever thankful! 

I have worked so hard the past months to be a role model and to fulfill my porjects, to be Miss Norway 2018, would mean the world to me. 

All you need to do is to send a text with MISSU 6 to 1963 (20kr), this only work for norwegian numbers, however my bestfriend Ilham is visitng from New York, and got herself a Norwegian number, so to all you Americans, you can vote by vennmo her $3 (ask me for her info on Facebook or Instagram).


Hei Alle!

Det er bare 24 timer av å bli årets favoritt i Miss Norway 2018. 

Jeg har ledet store deler av avstemmingen det siste 4 måndene, og det hadde vært så utrolig gøy og ha kunnet å ha klart det hele veien!

Men for å klare dette trenger jeg deres hjelp!  Dere har vært helt fantastiske og stemt på meg hele veien, noe jeg er evig takknemmelig for.

Jeg har virkelig jobbet så hardt jeg har kunnet de siste måndene for å være en god rollemodell og følge opp prosjektene mine som jeg brenner så sårt for. Å bli Miss Norway 2018, hadde betydd så mye for meg. 

Alt du behøver og gjøre er å sende en stemme med kodeord Missu 6 til 1963. Tjenesten koster 20kr. 


Nå krysser vi fingrene for noen fine siste 24 timer med avstemming. Stem i vei!





2023 Hits

The last preparations!


Good Evening All,

I can not believe the finale is right around the corner, is a mix of excitement and butterflies that fills my body these days, I guess it is normal. But I am head over heels happy with my work and participation towards this! 

The past and last days I am preapring the very last things, I am making sure everyhting is perfect and planned  as good as possible!

I had an issue last week with my dress, but thank god we fixed it in time and that I started prepare so early.

These days I have really focused on the estetics, I have made sure my clothes are as I want, which my sponsors are helping a lot with.

I got a beauty treatment today from VIP Beauty Lounge  with lashes, and nailpolish and facial just to feel better. I do believe every women feel and perform better when they take care of themselves and do feel good about themselves, it gives an extra shine and enegry! 

My neighboarhood and friends and even my friends in America is really making campagin now to promote me to the very last end. I feel blessed to log ino my Facebook and see that 30 people have shared my link or status and are sending me so much positive and nice feedback. It make my heart pop and I really appriciate it. This helps me to get motivated and to keep myself energized, positive and ready these dayss! I enjoy itso much.

My bestfriend is flying in from Paris tonight and another one tomorrow from Germany. I can not be more happy to have such an international crew joining me on Saturday!

Tomorrow I am off to meet with journalists and to do my hair, as well as practicing my coregraphy until my feets says stop!

Have a lovely night guys!





Innholder sponsor materiale.





1800 Hits

VIP EVENT @ VIP Beauty Lounge


Hello Hello!


Last thursday I had a event with VIP Beauty Lounge. We wanted to introduce the new make up brand from Make Up Store as Well as do some marketing for me before the finale. 

It was so cool!

Elisabeth, who is a make-up artist came to give me and the customer some new looks and ideas with the new make up. I think it is very cool to let someone else give you make up, because you Get a reall different look. She is also very talented.


There was a lot of good deals this night and the customer really made some great deals. It was a great night and me and the girls where super happy!


My good friend and photgrapher Sophie Opsahl Selbach, captured the whole event!

Check out her facbook page here: https://www.facebook.com/FotografSophieOpsahlSelbach/?ref=br_rs

Her instagram is: sophieopsahl


I am going back to VIP beauty loung to preapre for the finale this weekend! So excited I can barely sleep.


Stem på meg om du ennå ikke hat gjort det: Missu 6 til 1963 (20kr!)




Sponset innlegg!

1714 Hits
Påmelding for 2025

Meld deg på 2025-sesongen av Miss Norway. Vi gleder oss til å se deg i konkurransen!

Det som skjer nå er fortløpende uttak. Gitt at bilder og informasjon er på plass, blir du invitert til obligatorisk introduksjonskurs på høsten og vinteren. Det er lurt å følge med på årets vinnere og nye deltagere, for å lære hva konkurransen går ut på. Vi gleder oss til å se din påmelding!

Trykk her for mer informasjon og påmelding

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