

Hi beauties! 

So tomorrow the 10th of february is the day the semifinal pictures has to be delivered to the jury, and boy is it scary-crazy to have come this far!!! 


I have had an amazing time taking this photos and want to thank my really good photgrapher Valentina  for taking the time and effort in taking such nice photos of me! Its much appreciated. Some of the photos are taken with my phone. 

And I also want to thank all the supporters who reads my blog-posts and for all the nice messages I get.. I really appreciate each and everyone of you!! You are the best <3 

We had to take these photos:

Cocktail dress and 12inches heels 

Everyday outfit outside

Face in front and to the side 



Hope you like the pictures :D <3 



But now, here are the pictures: 


If you wanna sponsor me, you can reach me at INSTAGRAM or  FACEBOOKPAGE


Hope everyone has a great night and hopefully I´ll see you in my next blogpost! 


- Ida Cêlin 

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Semifinale Bilder og ny runde med språkkafé
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