
SDG nr 1 - End of poverty

As mentioned HERE, I have started a blog post series where I will discuss and talk about each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. This list of goals that essentially defines sustainable development, and if achieved, will ensure that the planet we live on can provide us and future generations with the opportunity to live well in a sustainable world. Today, I would like to talk about goal number 1: End of poverty.

This goal is one of the most fundamental goals for creating a sustainable future. Despite the fact that the world has never been more productive or wealthier than it is today, it is estimated that 9.2% of people still live in extreme poverty. This is not only a tragedy for those affected, but also affects global stability and world economic growth. Extreme poverty is defined as people living on less than $1.9 a day.

Unfortunately, the pandemic had a significant impact on poverty around the world. The pandemic led to many people losing their sources of income and resources. In 2017, 9% of the world lived in poverty, but as I have already mentioned, this number has gone up rather than down in recent years. It is estimated that we will not achieve our goal of reaching 0% poverty, but rather will end up at 7% by 2030.

What is the UN doing to achieve this goal?

To achieve this goal, the UN is working to improve access to food and nutrition. Among other things, the UN has set up the World Food Programme (WFP) to fight against world hunger. This is an organization that helps countries struggling with hunger and natural disasters, and also carries out a variety of development projects. The organization also the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for its important work. The UN is also working to encourage people to use resources in a more sustainable and efficient way, so that their resources can help them in a cheaper way.

What Norway is doing?

According to the UN's Sustainable Development Report for 2020, Norway is ranked second out of 193 countries in achieving the goal of eradicating hunger. Here in Norway, extreme poverty is virtually non-existent, and we can safely say the we have achieved this goal in our own country. Thus, Norway have a greater focus on helping other countries in need of our help. Norway is making efforts to reduce hunger in countries such as Malawi, Mozambique, and South Sudan. Norway has also donated billions of kroner (our currency) to food and agriculture projects in developing countries in recent years.

In addition, Norway is working to increase sustainable food production and reduce food waste. Norway has taken initiatives to reduce food waste through measures such as donating surplus food to charitable organizations and increasing awareness of food waste among the public.

What can we do as individuals?

What we as individuals can do to make an impact is to be a conscious consumer. Buy food, clothes, and other equipment from companies that are transparent about the conditions of their workers, and that respect basic human rights. This way, you are helping to ensure fair wages for the workers who produce the goods you buy. Framtiden i våre hender is a website that can help you with this. They have a list of different clothing brands that have committed to ensuring safe working conditions for their employees.

You can also donate clothes and other items that people may need to charitable organizations that can send them to people who need them. Your old things can mean a lot to others!


Link: https://www.fn.no/om-fn/fns-baerekraftsmaal 

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