
Beauty operations in beauty competitions should be prohibited.

All around the world beauty pageants of all calibers are held for women, and sometimes men, to compete in looks, clothing, and talent competitions. It is an entire industry in itself. However, everyone has a different opinion in regards to how pageantry works and what it promotes.

Many believe that it’s unfair to oversimplify the competition as an event that prioritizes beauty and overlooks the intelligence, accomplishments, and competence of its candidates. While others believe that beauty pageants promote unhealthy body image and degrading women. As a result of this, beauty pageants have been the center of heated debates among women—feminists and non-feminists alike—for just as long.

That brings us to why I think “beauty operations should be prohibited in beauty competitions.

Beauty pageants have a huge impact on many young women/girls throughout the world. Cognizant of the fact that contestants are mostly seen as role models by girls and women alike. These contestants inspire girls and women to love themselves and be confidently beautiful.  

“How then can a contestant who have done some modifications to his/her body teach young girls/women how to love themselves for who they are, when the said contestant didn’t even fully love herself until she did beauty operations?.

Don’t get me wrong, whatever changes a person decides to make with his/her body in order to fully love themselves is their choice to make. However, it bothers me that managers and some pageant organizations talk contestants into getting a beauty surgery of some kind during the competition. Pageantry is supposed to help boost women and young girls confidence, instead of promoting beauty surgeries. For instance in Venezuela, contestants as young as 12 years old, are encouraged to get beauty surgery(s) in order to succeed in the competition, according to research.

Pressuring contestants to go under the knife to fit the narrow standards of beauty should be prohibited. It is just a few nights of showing themselves on a stage, but a lifetime to live with those changes and the side effects beauty surgery brings, I honestly think it is not worth it.

I think that the less beauty surgeries are promoted in pageantry, the more the chances are for contestants and aspiring contestants and young girls to stop thinking their natural beauty is not enough to win a crown. Women should feel confident with their bodies, no matter how they look.


Photos: Jørgen Kvam

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Winnie Tenne Cooper

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