
Your Time Can Make A Change


I am privileged to be a volunteer of an organization that fights for children's right to education, healthcare, food, and to live in peace and with hope for the future. This organization is called Save The Children (Redd Barna).

Save the Children Norway (SCN), is a non-governmental organization, with no party to political or religious ties, whose values are built on the UNCRC and the UN Declaration on Human Rights. Save the Children Norway has offices in Oslo, Kristiansand, Trondheim, Bergen, and Tromsø, covering all regions in Norway. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was established on November 20, 1989, and has been signed by 120 of the 192 countries under the UN, making it the most widely accepted document recognizing and protecting the rights of children across the globe.

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The convention has 54 articles in total. Articles 1 – 42 are about the rights of a child, while Articles 43 – 54 are about how governments and organizations will work to support children’s rights.

Save The Children Trondheim coordinate different groups for volunteers, giving everyone a chance to contribute to a cause they care about. I am a part of a group called 'Besøksgruppe.' We visit children's shelter and crisis center and arrange activities for the kids. Our goal is to create a better everyday life for these children. These activities vary from bowling, movies, trips and etc.

Se kildebildet

During 2009, 1734 children had one or more overnight nights in shelters together with their mother. Half of the children were aged 0-5 years. There are 51 crisis centers in Norway according to Redd Barna.

Shelters and organizations like Save The Children need volunteers. Therefore I urge everyone reading this article to give volunteering a try at least once, if you aren't volunteering already. For people living in Norway, this website can be of great help if you don’t know where to start.

Find something that you're passionate about or something that inspires you, and then find a need in your community. There are dozens of reasons why volunteering is important -one just needs to find the one that feels right. You will be surprised by how much joy you create, just by talking to a child or meeting a need.

Photos: Jørgen Kvam

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